Extra Lessons in Diepsloot

Our charity aims to give hope through education to lesser privileged children in Diepsloot.

We currently have after school lessons and an online programme running for children in Grades 1 to 12. While our focus is teens, we currently cater for all school ages in a safe and appropriate environment.

Students in Class in Diepsloot

Maths and Science Classes

Khensani’s Collection employs a teacher to facilitate our afterschool program.

Math and science classes are held 6 days a week from 14:00 – 17:00 weekdays and 11:00 – 13:00 on Saturdays. There are ~70 registered students from Grades 1 to 12 who meet daily to receive mentoring and guidance in these subjects.

Online Classes

Overseen by our directors, we have a team of mentors and volunteers who teach online classes to our teens every Saturday.

The teens are assessed and put into classes based on their ability so they can learn at the right level for them. Please let us know if you’d like to join the team. There is also a need to help the younger children with their reading skills.

Online Classes in Diepsloot

Like what we’re doing?

If you want to be a part of helping a child in Diepsloot, you can donate toward their education or volunteer your time and skills.

Banking Details

Khensani’s Collection
First National Bank
Branch: 250655
Account No.: 62627428643
Reference: your name / cause (optional)

General Needs

  • Sponsorship and donations for school fees

  • Teachers – online or in-person

  • Stationery

  • Textbooks (Platinum and Spot On series)