How can I help?

Do you want to help improve children’s education and livelihood but are not sure how?
We have various ways in which you can make a difference with giving, time or fundraising.


If you are willing and able to donate towards our charity, we would greatly appreciate it.

What will my donation be used for?

  • School fees

  • Day-to-day running of our school and classes

  • Purchasing stationery and textbooks

  • Teachers’ salary

Banking Details

Khensani’s Collection
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: 250655
Account No.: 62627428643
Reference: your name / cause (optional)

Donate via Credit Card



Donate via Snapscan

We are able to supply a Section 18A tax certificate. Please email us.


Time is a valuable asset and we appreciate you giving up this pressure commodity for the upliftment of Diepsloot’s children.

Volunteer Teaching

  • Teaching (online or in person)

  • Assisting children with homework

  • Compiling curriculums


  • Students reports and marks

  • Assisting with curriculums

  • Filing and packing at the school

Social Media

  • Taking of phots and videos at the school
  • Video editing

  • Article writing

We are able to sign off time volunteered if your school or organisation requires it. Please email us.

Want to contribute in other ways?