Personal Details

Please double check
Please double check

Emergency Contact

If you are involved with us as a volunteer and an emergency arises, whom should we contact?

Equal Opportunities

Khensani’s Collection is committed to equal opportunities and all volunteer recruitment decisions will be based on merit, suitability for the role and experience. Khensani’s Collection is committed to standards of excellence in Child Protection practices. Because your volunteer role may have direct contact with children, you will be required to complete a police clearance. In the meantime, please complete the question below.

Have you ever been convicted of an offence in the Republic of South Africa or elsewhere?*

Your Skills and Interests

1. Have you ever done any voluntary work before?
4. What kind of voluntary work interests you?
Days and time, mornings or afternoons, anything to give us a general idea
Please note that some opportunities demand a minimum time commitment
7. How did you find out about volunteering with Khensani’s Collection?